Friends of St. Michael's Church
Friends of St Michael's
If you value the presence of our wonderful church building in this village, you may like to consider becoming a Friend.
The Friends group raises funds to maintain and insure the building and churchyard, through:
- Special events such as concerts
- Our monthly coffee mornings
- Regular donations by standing order.
The regular congregation is small, and can't afford the cost of maintenance on their own. So the Friends has been set up as a way for others to support the church in practical ways, even though they may belong to another faith tradition, or none at all. Money raised by the Friends is ring-fenced for maintenance of the building as a heritage site and is not used to pay for services.
A lot has been done over the last few decades to make the church work as a community facility, with a kitchen, toilet and small meeting room added. Recent projects include restoring the clock which, after a few years of silence, has been restored to full working order.
Currently we are raising money to resort the lych gate (the dramatic wooden structure over the main gate). It is Grade II listed, and deteriorating, so needs considerable attention.
How to join the Friends group
Just let us have your email address (write to [email protected]) and we'll keep you up to date with:
- News of ongoing projects
- Information about forthcoming fundraising events and how you can help.
You'll also be invited to an annual celebration of the Friends of St Michael & All Angels. Over a glass of wine and nibbles you'll have a chance to meet like-minded people in the very building you're helping to preserve for future generations.
How to donate to the Friends
If you'd like to make a donation, however small, it will help to maintain and insure our historic Grade I listed building for future generations.
You can make donations in several ways:
- By debit or credit card, using a smart phone and the QR code in the church by the entrance door
- By making a bank transfer (details below)
- By setting up a standing order. Set it up through online banking or pick up a leaflet in the church.
Our account details:
Hardington Vale PCC
Sort Code 60-23-06
Account number 31003060
Reference: BD Friends
St Michael's is part of the wider Parish of Hardington Vale, but your donations are ring-fenced for Friends of St Michael's.