Parish Council
Buckland Dinham is a small village in the north east of Somerset with an electorate of about 300 plus. It has a parish council of six representing them and this part of the website has been produced to give all the information the council needs to make available to residents by law. But, more importantly, it is here to tell you more about the people who make up the parish council and about the things they are working on at the moment
On these pages you will find dates, agendas and minutes of meetings, information about Councillors, finances and lots more. If you live in Buckland Dinham, we want you to be able to access the things you want to know about council issues, either by looking them up here or making contact with a real live human.
The council usually meets once every six weeks in the Village Hall. As part of local government, Councillors have to follow some formalities. However, in addition to having the right to be there and listen to all said, the public are invited to raise topics that concern them or suggestions they want to put forward, in an Open Forum at the beginning of each meeting. Meetings are always open to the public except for very occasionally when there are items which need to be discussed in private.
A formal agenda, listing topics to be discussed is made available at least three clear working days in advance of each meeting and is published on village notice boards as well as on this site. Draft minutes are also published as soon as possible after the meeting.
Currently our Councillors are: John Reckless (Chair), Alan King (Vice Chair), Sarah Barnett, Ian Blair, Susie Hicks, Elisita Kemp. You will find more about all these people and the special interests they have in various areas of council business on other pages of this site. The Clerk to the Parish Council is Diane Sleigh.
Buckland Dinham, in the local government hierarchy is part of the Ammerdown Ward of Somerset Council. It is also in the Somerton and Frome Parliamentary Constituency.