The Playing Field
The Playing Field Committee meet twice a year in the Village Hall
Contact: Susie [email protected] (chair)
We are a non profit making Association with a small committee, comprising five people - More members are always welcome .
The park is in trust to the village, all villagers are welcome to tidy, clean and fix fences, fund raise etc .
The Buckland Amenities Group is looking at funding for new equipment and safety surfaces.
For the Playing Field Mowing Rota through the year contact Susie [email protected]. We do at the present time have enough people on the rota.
The New mower is broken at the moment!
Buckland Dinham Playing Field Association manage the children’s playpark and playing field, including coordinating a volunteer grass-cutting team. The Parish Council funded their new mower in 2023 when the previous one expired.
New goal posts erected in the playing field December 2023 after children’s and others’ fundraising.
Amenities Group update
The playing field is getting a spring clean day, sometime soon when – kids welcome – volunteers from the village help cut back ivy, secure wobbly fences, maybe even put a bit of paint on the pavilion. It’s hoped this will become an annual event, part fun but also with a vital maintenance function that means every year the playing field enters the summer in good nick. As well as this spring clean there will be a similar volunteer day in late summer/early autumn. Alongside this volunteer maintenance we’re getting some quotes in to repair and/or refurbish surface of the playing park. When we get those quotes, there will most likely be a fundraising effort to pay for the work.
Contact Chris for volunteering..