The Church
St Michael's Church
St Michael's has been a focal point of the village of Buckland Dinham for hundreds of years, and still is.
The church and churchyard are open every day for visitors. It's invaluable as a peaceful centre in our busy lives and everyone is welcome to come in for a quiet time of reflection. Over the last 30 years the church has been modified for community use, with a WC, kitchen, small meeting room and space for events such as concerts and coffee mornings.
Everyone is welcome to our regular services, which have a friendly and informal atmosphere. We especially welcome you to our larger festival services such as the Carol Service, Mothering Sunday, Easter, Harvest and Remembrance. Every month there's a well-attended coffee morning – a great place to meet your neighbours. We have a small meeting room available for village groups to use, and there is a book exchange in the church – just come in and buy or swap a book.
If you appreciate the medieval church and value its presence, please join Friends of St Michaels <link to Friends page>. We would welcome your support, whatever your faith or none. We are fund-raising at the moment to repair the lych gate (the wooden structure at the entrance), which is badly in need of it.
Contact details: Jenny Waller (Chapel Warden) 07887 556936 or [email protected].
Services are held at 11am on the second and third Sundays of each month, and at 6pm on the fourth Sunday. Check times on our website, as they occasionally change.
Please see also the Friends page
Cursor over the pictures for more information..

- The Church