Village Help
Some people in the village need help or assistance of some kind.
Some people in the village can offer help and support.
On this page we are trying to join the two together!
Below are some examples that the Parish Plan and subsequently, the Comms Group, have come up with.
If you need such help or can offer assistance please let us know HERE.
Village information hub
Help using computers and smartphones. (Digital help. Those who have tech but need help using it.)
For information, guidance and support (those who don't have tech, don't want it but need help finding out about village resources, buses, doctors etc)
Bridging the digital divide
Digital Café in Frome for those that struggle to understand their devices or have any questions about their technology.
IT Amnesty
Frome are running an IT amnesty where people donate their IT to be handed on to others.
Is outside the village hall. Call 999 the emergency service to use it. The What3Words location is REPORTING.UPSTAIRS.SLAB
Dial 999 to access the defibrillator.
Watch a video here to be prepared.
Emergency Bleed Kit
Is outside the village hall. Pull on the item as shown on the box. The What3Words location is REPORTING.UPSTAIRS.SLAB
Notice Boards
There are five notice boards for public use in the village:
- Lower Street
- Cock Road
- Inside the bus shelter
- Village Hall
- Church
- Please take down your notice once it has passed its relevant date.
- Please do not use staples
The one outside the bus shelter is for Parish Council use only.
Salt Bins
Please use the salt available in the bins, on pavements and side roads when you see the need.
It is not for personal use.
Please note that dog poo bins and salt bins are not the same!
Pease let the clerk know if stock is getting low.
Newspaper Delivery
Newspapers can be delivered to the box near the pub. Contact Postlebury News [email protected] 01749 850556
Somerset Prepared
This website gives lots of advice regarding what to do to prepare for an emergency, including for people, animals, businesses and communities.
Also preparation for fire, flooding, pandemic flu, severe weather utility failure and many more.