The Comms Group materialised from the Parish Plan. Our aim is to consider the outcome of the villagers' opinions into the comms aspects of the village. These were:
1) a coordinated approach to ensure everyone is well informed. ''Co-ordinated' means that Website, Facebook, WhatsApp, Five Alive, Notice Boards etc. should all be referenced to each other.
2) the need for a consolidated website with Village and Council pages. It should be legally compliant and Accessibility compliant. Government approved Registrars are able to provide these aspects of compliancy. The Comms group have agreed to carry on with the domain "" which has been in existence for a while but has only been used for parish council pages. The new website will have village pages.
3) make better use of social media. Group agreed that WhatsApp groups could be set up for more immediate needs e.g. dog walking, collecting prescriptions, drain clearance.
5) a welcome for new arrivals to the village
4) and 6) Offering help to villagers who struggle with using computers and would like to learn or for those who don't want technology but want help finding what the village offers.
8) a directory of businesses in the village and useful contacts e.g. county council services.
Please see minutes of the last meeting for more details.
The Comms group have had plenty of ideas but they need volunteers who can help with each aspect and input from those who can benefit from the ideas.
Please join in by contacting John [email protected] with your ideas.
Next Meeting 7th May 7pm in the village hall