Websites are great but can lack immediacy! If you want more immediate assistance, or a bit of fun, or to keep in touch with your neighbours, you can join or set up a WhatsApp group.
If you don't have a smart phone, you can download WhatsApp to your computer.
We have the following groups set up. Feel free to join any group:
Buckland Dinham Community is the umbrella group
Village Communications
Early Warning Flooding
For when there's a storm. Some villagers suffer terribly when there's a deluge and a team of volunteers who can quickly be called upon to remove the debris from the drain cover tops would help a lot. Any volunteers for running the group?
Any volunteers for clearing the drains?!
Traffic, Travel and Transport
Village Chat
Has Anyone Got?
Need a spoonful of sugar? A drop of milk? Instead of knocking on a neighbour’s door or making an emergency trip to the shop, post your request on the ‘Has Anyone Got? group.
Buckland Singers
Village Amenities and Events
What WhatsApp group do you want to suggest? Here are some more ideas:
Dog Walking
Are you a dog walker? Could you walk a neighbour's dog for them if they were unable on any given day?
Salt bins
The County provide salt for the yellow bins around the village but they don't spread it for us! Any volunteers who could help out in icy weather?
Collecting Prescriptions
Are you going to town? Can you go via the chemist for a neighbour?